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Equal Rights poster

There was quite a lot of rumination over how best to carry a protest through collaging with a Wild West theme. The biggest issue with western history was the dehumanisation and oppression of Native Americans, which is made apparent by the Dakota access pipeline and the arrests surrounding its construction. African American people are just as easily arrested over incidents that have badly affected them, not the other way round. What's more, women's pay tends to be dubiously lower compared to men's, which motivated me to use a protest poster as a way to get a few birds with one stone.
The idea is to combat the injustice women, Native Americans and African Americans face with both the law and society. Of course the redhead cowgirl and the white American man at the far end represent those conscious enough to stand up to their own people over discrimination. I think there could be a story built around these characters, like they are desperados fighting for justice.
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